Dr. Andrea 
B. Maier. Longevity and Anti-aging Expert. Biography. 0

Dr. Andrea 
B. Maier. Longevity and Anti-aging Expert. Biography. 0

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Hello from New York with Dr. Andrea B. Maier, who joins us from Singapore. We will discuss Aging and Longevity. Dr. Maier is a professor in medicine, healthy aging, and dementia research at the Department of the Medicine National University of Singapore. She is also a co-director Center for Healthy longevity. Dr. Maier is also a professor of Gerontology at Amsterdam University and an honorary professor of medicine in aged care at the University of Melbourne, Australia. Professor Maier obtained her MD from Medical University Lubich in Germany. She obtained a Ph.D. in gerontology at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. Professor Maya continued her clinical and research work in geriatrics and aging research in the Netherlands and Australia. Professor Maier is advancing research in cell and molecular mechanisms of aging. She also studies senescence, inflammation, and stress resistance. She is an expert in Related syndromes in diseases such as sarcopenia. Dr. Andrea Maier has published over 350 research articles in peer-reviewed medical journals on aging. According to Google database, she has a very high citation index above 60, Professor Maier Hello, and welcome. Thank you for having me. It’s an honor! Dr. Andrea B. Maier, MD. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. 

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