Dr. Mark Emberton. Prostate cancer expert. Biography. 0

Dr. Mark Emberton. Prostate cancer expert. Biography. 0

Dr. Mark Emberton. Prostate cancer expert. Biography. 0

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Dr. Mark Emberton is a leader in prostate cancer minimally invasive treatment. He discusses diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of prostate cancer in extensive video interview. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. Hello from London! We are with Professor Mark Emberton, who is the Director of Division of Surgery and Interventional Science at University College London. He is also the Director for Urological Oncology for London Cancer, provider network serving 4 million people in London area. Professor Emberton is also Dean of the University College London Faculty of Medical Sciences. Professor Emberton is a founding partner of London Urology Associates, and a Trustee of the charity Prostate Action. Professor Mark Emberton leads a world- renowned research group that looks at better diagnosis and treatment methods for men with prostate cancer. His particular interest is in experimental treatment for prostate cancer. His team combines bioengineering and nanotechnology with early phase clinical trials in men with prostate cancer. Professor Mark Emberton is a frequent speaker at international cancer meetings and has published over 320 peer-reviewed scientific papers on prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. Professor Mark Emberton, hello and welcome! Hello, pleasure to be here!

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