How to prevent lung cancer in nonsmokers? Prominent thoracic cancer surgeon explains. 7

How to prevent lung cancer in nonsmokers? Prominent thoracic cancer surgeon explains. 7

How to prevent lung cancer in nonsmokers? Prominent thoracic cancer surgeon explains. 7

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What causes lung cancer in nonsmokers? How radon in home increases risk of lung cancer in never smokers. Can diet decrease risk of lung cancer? Lung cancer genetic risks in females and nonsmokers. What can a nonsmoker do to reduce risks of lung cancer? Dr. Anton Titov, MD. Is there a lifestyle, dietary or perhaps lung cancer chemoprevention strategy that could help people to reduce the risks of lung cancer? Dr. Anton Titov, MD. Because lung cancer also happens in non-smokers. Yes, so that's a very interesting question. We don't have great answers to it. So what are your risk for lung cancer outside of tobacco? Dr. Michael Lanuti, MD. Sometimes you're a nonsmoker and you're thinking about your risk for lung cancer. So some of the things we've learned over the years would be things that you are exposed to. It is secondhand smoke, which is hard to quantify. Sometimes you're in an environment that has a high radon count. In Massachusetts here in the US, there's high radon counts that you often see because of a lot of rock. And the rock breaks down uranium. And so you see these high radon counts in basements. And if you live in your basement or even in the house in a high radon count, that could be a risk for lung cancer. The natural environments with high radon counts would be the older stone houses? Like those common in the UK. Yes. Or stones in the ground. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. So not necessarily a house filled with that, but just that the ground harbors high radon concentrations. Environment that is not aerated well. Exactly. And the way you would mitigate radon is that you basically ventilate. You move the radon gas through a basement or a house. Sometimes you're around a wood-burning stove all your life. That is a lung cancer risk. Sometimes you are in silicon or a silica type mine. That's a lung cancer risk. Sometimes you're around coal all the time. Dr. Michael Lanuti, MD. That's a lung cancer risk. I mean, there's environmental lung cancer risk that you can mitigate. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. And then what if you're not around any of those things? So diet-wise, we don't really know if there's a difference. People have looked at high-dose vitamin D and green tea. They could be diet modulations that could reduce lung caner risks. Often, if you had cancer, probably it might do something. But if you don't have cancer, I'm not sure if it's chemopreventative. So for lung cancer we don't really have a chemoprevention strategy. All we say is this. "Balanced diet, avoid exposures to environmental things, avoid smoking, try to avoid secondhand smoke." There is genetic basis for developing lung cancer. There are some family lines that have genetic mutations that are susceptible to lung cancer. So family history of lung cancer is important to know about. Dr. Michael Lanuti, MD. Yes, it is, particularly in non-smokers. We can't say much about the smokers, because they're all exposed to this environmental antigen carcinogen. But in non-smokers that's very important. It is important to know whether other family members who are non-smokers had lung cancer. Dr. Anton Titov, MD. I think there isn't a whole lot more to say about it. But it is an interesting area, not really well investigated. That's a very interesting topic for a lot of people around the world - prevention of lung cancer in non-smokers.

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